Say hello to BenchmarkONE’s latest integration: Gmail! Now you can boost your team’s sales productivity without ever having to leave the comfort of your inbox. The integration allows you to bring the power of BenchmarkONE’s CRM directly into your Gmail inbox to save time and prevent workflow disruptions when bouncing between applications. 

Seamlessly Create and Track Contacts

With a few simple clicks, you can easily create new BenchmarkONE contacts from right inside your Gmail inbox to make sure you’re keeping tabs on all of your valuable prospects and customers.

The new integration puts your entire CRM database at your fingertips. Quickly search for specific BenchmarkONE contacts inside of Gmail – no switching browser windows.

Access valuable information, like contact details, recent activity, notes and tasks to give you all the context you need for your next outreach. Even better, see if a contact opened your latest email and whether you should be following up on the spot. 

Easily leave additional notes, create follow-up tasks and add new tags on the fly for a more streamlined sales process that ensures important information isn’t getting left behind in your Gmail inbox. 

With BenchmarkONE’s new Gmail integration, you can eliminate the back and forth between valuable applications and streamline your sales process to ensure that the contact information you need is accessible anywhere at any time.